
Executive Chef މުއްދަތު ހަމަވެފައި

Tree Top Hospital
0 ރުފިޔާ+
ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް
މަޤާމަށް ބޭނުންވާ މީހުންގެ ޢަދަދު
މާލެ ސިޓީ، ހުޅުމާލެ


މުސާރައާއި އިނާޔަތްތައް
0 ރުފިޔާ+
• Salary based on qualifications and experience
• 30 Days Paid Annual Leave
• Medical Insurance
• Meal while on duty
ވަޒީފާގެ ތަފްޞީލު

General Requirements

  • Bachelor/Master’s degree from a culinary college with HACCP certification or any related Food Safety and Hygiene practices
  • Minimum 8 years’ experience in related field and 4 years of Managerial/Supervisory position
  • Excellent communication and people management skills
  • International work experience is an added advantage


Job Specification

  • Observes all infection control policies for proper food handling, storage, hand washing, glove wearing, uniform and grooming. Works as team player to meet goals and department demands
  • Maintain a high level of service and hygiene standards in accordance with food safety legislation, best practice and hospital policies
  • Communicates effectively with all catering staff, hospital staff, patients and visitors
  • Works closely with dietitian in ensuring that meals meet the required needs for patients with specific dietary requirements
  • Ensures that all menus are constantly updated, paying special attention to seasonal availability
  • Plan, supervise and control various operations, working closely and supporting the food and beverage staff
  • Monitors inventory of supplies and stock levels by liaising with relevant companies for the purchasing of perishable and nonperishable items within the department’s budget
  • Assisting and directing kitchen staff in meal preparation, creation, plating and delivery
  • Responsible for quantity and quality control in food production and overall sanitation of assigned areas
  • Manage all documents and records relevant to the kitchen
  • Implements departmental training program to ensure that all kitchen staff possess the necessary skills to perform their duties effectively and efficiently
  • Overall responsible for day-day kitchen operations

ފެންވަރު ނުވަތަ ޝަރުތު

ތަޖުރިބާގެ އެންމެ ދަށް މިންވަރު
1 Year
އެންމެ ދަށްވެގެން އޮންނަން ޖެހޭނެ ސަނަދު
ބަޗެލާރސް ޑިގްރީ

ހުށަހަޅަންޖެހޭ ލިޔެކިޔުން

  • 1. National Identity Card or Passport Copy
  • 2. Recent Passport Size Photograph
  • 3. Updated CV
  • 4. Relevant Educational Certificates (Attested from law firm’s/ government offices)
  • 5. Recent Police Report (For Maldivians Only)
  • 6. Reference Letter / Experience Letter (from current and previous employer)

އެހެނިހެން މަޢުލޫމާތު

  • ހޮސްޕިޓަލް އަދި އެހެނިހެން ސިއްޙީ ހަރަކާތްތައް
  • އެގްޒެކެޓިވް ޝެފް
ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް
  • ފުލްޓައިމް
ޝާޢިއުކުރި ތާރީޚް
15 އޯގަސްޓު 2024
މުއްދަތު ހަމަވާ ތާރީޚް
15 ސެޕްޓެމްބަރު 2024