Responsible for planning, creating, shooting, editing, and delivering video and photo content that is engaging and supports Siyam World’s marketing and promotional efforts.
Generate ideas for new content types and place content on all social media platforms.
Research and plan out effective and engaging content ideas for industry related topics.
Promote the resorts’ and all departments effectively & accordingly to brand guidelines.
Coordinate with the design and marketing teams to clarify content strategies.
Stay up to date with latest industry trends and practices.
Deliver completed videos and photos on deadline.
Ensure a high level of product knowledge of Sun Siyam Olhuveli
Have current knowledge of Sun Siyam key competitors & social content.
Assists in providing input to monthly reports.
Manage company social media channels, including Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other relevant platforms.
Keep calendars (editorial, meetings, events etc.) and media lists
Engage in social media presence creation on new and emerging social media platforms
Optimize content following search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC)
Create content that promotes audience interaction, increases audience presence on company sites, and encourages audience participation.
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ހުށަހަޅަންޖެހޭ ލިޔެކިޔުން
Updated CV, Police report, ID card copy, passport size photo