
8,000 ރުފިޔާ - 12,000 ރުފިޔާ
ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް
މަޤާމަށް ބޭނުންވާ މީހުންގެ ޢަދަދު
މާލެ ސިޓީ، މާލެ


މުސާރައާއި އިނާޔަތްތައް
8,000 ރުފިޔާ - 12,000 ރުފިޔާ
Networking Opportunities,
Positive Work Environment,
Professional Growth Opportunities,
Recreational Activities,
ވަޒީފާގެ ތަފްޞީލު

Location: Male City

Job Overview:
We are seeking a highly motivated and results-driven Sales and Marketing Officer to play a key role in driving our business growth. The successful candidate will be responsible for creating and executing strategic marketing initiatives, identifying new sales opportunities, and building strong client relationships. This role is ideal for individuals with excellent communication skills, a strong sales background, and a passion for marketing.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Manage digital marketing efforts, including social media campaigns, email marketing, and content creation.
  • Communicate with potential and existing clients via email and mobile communication to nurture relationships and close sales.
  • Develop and implement comprehensive marketing strategies to promote products/services and increase brand awareness.
  • Generate and qualify new sales leads through market research, networking, and other sales techniques.
  • Build and maintain relationships with clients, understanding their needs and offering tailored solutions.
  • Collaborate with the sales and marketing teams to ensure alignment on goals and strategies.
  • Monitor market trends, competitor activities, and customer feedback to refine marketing strategies.
  • Prepare and deliver engaging sales presentations, proposals, and reports.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and adjust strategies accordingly to maximize ROI.

Additional Information:

  • Work hours: Monday to Friday, from 6:00 AM to 3:00 PM (an added advantage if able to work these hours).


  • Proven experience in sales, marketing, or a similar role.
  • Strong communication, negotiation, and presentation skills.
  • Analytical mindset with the ability to assess marketing data and trends.
  • Proficiency in digital marketing tools, Adobe and Corel packages, CRM software, and MS Office.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team in a fast-paced environment.
  • A proven track record of meeting or exceeding sales targets is a plus.

What We Offer:

  • Competitive salary and performance-based incentives.
  • Opportunities for professional growth and development.
  • A dynamic and adventurous work environment that encourages creativity and collaboration.

How to Apply:
Interested candidates should submit their resume, copies of educational certificates, and a valid ID card to [email protected]

ފެންވަރު ނުވަތަ ޝަރުތު

ތަޖުރިބާގެ އެންމެ ދަށް މިންވަރު
ބަޔާންކޮށްފައި ނެތް
އެންމެ ދަށްވެގެން އޮންނަން ޖެހޭނެ ސަނަދު
އޭލެވެލް / އެޑްވާންސް ސެޓްފިކެޓް
18 އަހަރު - 25 އަހަރު

ހުށަހަޅަންޖެހޭ ލިޔެކިޔުން

  • Resume,
  • Copy of Educational Certificates,
  • ID Card Copy

އެހެނިހެން މަޢުލޫމާތު

  • އިޝްތިހާރާއި މާކެޓް ރިސާޗް
  • ސޭލްސް އެންޑް މާރކެޓިންގ ކޯޑިނޭޓަރ
ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް
  • ފުލްޓައިމް
މަސައްކަތުގެ ދާއިރާ
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction
ބޭނުންވާ ފަންނުތައް
  • އީމެއިލް މާކެޓިންގ އަދި އޮޓޮމޭޝަން
  • ޖެނެރަލް މާކެޓިންގ ސްކިލްސް
  • ގްރެފިކްސް ޑިޒައިނިން
  • އިލްސްޓްރޭޓަރ
  • ސޭލްސް އަދި މާކެޓިންގ
  • ސޭލްސް ޓެކްނިކަލް ސްކިލްސް
  • މީސް މީޑިއާ މާކެޓިން
  • ސޯޝަލް މީޑިއާ މާކެޓިންގ އަދި ޕެއިޑް ސޯޝަލް މީޑިއާ އެޑްވަޓައިޒިންގ

މިވަޒީފާއަށް ކުރިމަތިލުމަށް ލޮގިންވެލާ

ޝާޢިއުކުރި ތާރީޚް
16 ސެޕްޓެމްބަރު 2024
މުއްދަތު ހަމަވާ ތާރީޚް
28 ސެޕްޓެމްބަރު 2024
އެޕްލިކޭޝަން ހުށަހެޅުމަށް