
Paralegal މުއްދަތު ހަމަވެފައި

Business Center Corporation Limited
10,000 ރުފިޔާ+
ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް
މަޤާމަށް ބޭނުންވާ މީހުންގެ ޢަދަދު
މާލެ ސިޓީ، މާލެ


މުސާރައާއި އިނާޔަތްތައް
10,000 ރުފިޔާ+
ވަޒީފާގެ ތަފްޞީލު

Position:  Paralegal

Gazette Announcement: https://www.gazette.gov.mv/iulaan/303791

Employment Type : Contract (01 Year)


Job Summary:

Provide critical support to the legal team by conducting legal research, maintaining accurate and up-to-date records, and assisting in the preparation of legal documents and meetings.


  • Minimum 4 “D” passes in O’ Level or equivalent qualification
  • Vocational training and 2 Years of Relevant Work Experience

Job Duties:

  • Prepare legal correspondence, briefs, and memos.
  • Conduct legal research and assist in the preparation of legal opinions and reports.
  • Organize and maintain files, ensuring all documentation is up-to-date and filed correctly.
  • Assist with the preparation and organization of legal meetings, including taking minutes.
  • Maintain and update legal databases, ensuring accuracy and confidentiality.
  • Provide general administrative support to the legal team, including scheduling and filing.

Perform other duties that fall within the competency and responsibility of the position or assigned by supervisor.

Note:  For Maldivians Only


ފެންވަރު ނުވަތަ ޝަރުތު

ތަޖުރިބާގެ އެންމެ ދަށް މިންވަރު
1 Year
އެންމެ ދަށްވެގެން އޮންނަން ޖެހޭނެ ސަނަދު

ހުށަހަޅަންޖެހޭ ލިޔެކިޔުން

  • 1. Job Application Form
  • 2. Curriculum Vitae
  • 3. ID Card Copy / Passport Copy
  • 4. Accredited and attested copies of certificates
  • 5. Previous employment reference letters
  • 6. Police Certificate

އެހެނިހެން މަޢުލޫމާތު

ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް
  • ފުލްޓައިމް
ޝާޢިއުކުރި ތާރީޚް
15 އޯގަސްޓު 2024
މުއްދަތު ހަމަވާ ތާރީޚް
20 އޯގަސްޓު 2024