
25,000 ރުފިޔާ+
ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް


މުސާރައާއި އިނާޔަތްތައް
25,000 ރުފިޔާ+
ވަޒީފާގެ ތަފްޞީލު

Description of Services

Head of Sales and Marketing


Head of Sales and Marketing is responsible for establishing and directing the marketing and sales activities of MFMC Group including advertising and public relations.


Head of Sales and Marketing will report to the Managing Director and will carry out the following tasks.

  • Plan, develop and implement marketing and sales strategy and plan of MFMC Group.
  • Liaise and build alliances with relevant stakeholders
  • Implementing and overseeing the concepts and branding for all events organized by MFMC Group
  • Liaise and maintain relationship with the other relevant department on specific project related tasks
  • Evaluate results of marketing campaigns and measure results
  • Develop and maintain consistent corporate image
  • Implement and oversee all social media channels, strategy and activity.
  • Ensure company information are kept up to date
  • Develop and implement sales forecasting activities, targets, sectors and markets.
  • Develop and manage marketing and sales budget
  • Identify and understand stakeholders’ business needs and objectives to develop marketing and sales campaigns
  • Maintain effective internal and external marketing communications
  • Manage sales and marketing team to achieve business objectives
  • Develop and maintain relationship with key stakeholders
  • Monitor and ensure marketing and sales reporting is carried out effectively
  • Other duties as assigned by the management


The applicant should possess following educational background and experience.

  • Master’s Degree in Marketing, Economics, Tourism, or related field.
  • Minimum 3 years’ experience in relevant field
  • Experience in tourism related marketing will be an added advantage
  • Excellent stakeholder management skills
  • Advanced presentation and persuasive skills
  • Excellent leadership and teamwork skills
  • Excellent Analytical skills and critical thinking skills.
  • Good statistical and budgeting skills.
  • Excellent management skills and the ability to juggle multiple tasks at once.
  • Excellent communication skills, with effective stakeholder management
  • Excellent interpersonal skills & conflict resolution skills.
  • Great team player and an effective leader able to motivate project team.
  • Strong ability to organize, plan, and strategize.
  • Attention to detail and a creative and innovative approach to work.
  • Ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks in a high-pressure environment
  • Ability to manage multiple projects and work to tight deadlines


Salary:  Competitive Salary (MVR 25,000 +)


Interested Candidates, please complete the Online Job Application Form and upload CV along with relevant documents via link https://form.jotform.com/213531409438454

ފެންވަރު ނުވަތަ ޝަރުތު

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ބަޔާންކޮށްފައި ނެތް

އެހެނިހެން މަޢުލޫމާތު

ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް
  • ފުލްޓައިމް
ޝާޢިއުކުރި ތާރީޚް
25 ޖެނުއަރީ 2022
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30 ޖެނުއަރީ 2022