
11,000 ރުފިޔާ - 15,000 ރުފިޔާ
ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް
މަޤާމަށް ބޭނުންވާ މީހުންގެ ޢަދަދު
މާލެ ސިޓީ، މާލެ


މުސާރައާއި އިނާޔަތްތައް
11,000 ރުފިޔާ - 15,000 ރުފިޔާ
ވަޒީފާގެ ތަފްޞީލު


The Assistant Manager is responsible for organizing and carryout customs clearance activities of imported goods. His work includes following up of upcoming shipments and document transections.

  • Carry out custom clearance activities such as following upcoming shipments, document transactions
  • Follow up with Procurement Department for documents with freight forwarders, shipping lines and handling agents
  • Record vessels arrival dates, containers discharge and demurrages.
  • Coordinate with customs brokers for customs charges and preparing documents for clearance of the goods at ports
  • Cooperate with Government Authorities for checking certificates and inspections of cargo for issuing permits for clearing them.
  • Collect of Delivery Orders from Shipping Line, Freight Forwarding Agents.
  • Co-ordinate with Warehouse Manager before containers are noted at Port for clearing.
  • Prioritize clearing chilled and frozen shipments.
  • Ensure to clear the shipments before demurrage is incurred.
  • Arrange transport and loading and unloading of imported goods to designated warehouse.
  • Checking cargos for damages and check if the shipment tallies with the invoice/packing list, etc.
  • Notify Procurement Department on defective and damaged goods received and follow the instruction of Procurement regarding on how to proceed clearance.
  • Organize to survey damages and get survey reports from concerned Authorities including Insurance companies.
  • Instruct the “cargo clearing labor group” on how to load D-Van/lorries and check goods are stacked in the vehicle properly causing no damage.
  • Ensure drivers have regulated the temperature of D-Vans before loading chilled & frozen items.
  • Settle all payments related to cargo clearance immediately after clearing shipment.
  • Reconciling petty cash and submitting all documents to the Accounts Department.
  • Undertake other work assigned by Management.

ފެންވަރު ނުވަތަ ޝަރުތު

ތަޖުރިބާގެ އެންމެ ދަށް މިންވަރު
ބަޔާންކޮށްފައި ނެތް

ހުށަހަޅަންޖެހޭ ލިޔެކިޔުން

  • Educational Certificates
  • Employment Ref Letters
  • Identity Card
  • Police Report
  • Photograph

އެހެނިހެން މަޢުލޫމާތު

ވަޒީފާގެ ބާވަތް
  • ފުލްޓައިމް

މިވަޒީފާއަށް ކުރިމަތިލުމަށް ލޮގިންވެލާ

ޝާޢިއުކުރި ތާރީޚް
14 އޮކްޓޯބަރު 2024
މުއްދަތު ހަމަވާ ތާރީޚް
30 އޮކްޓޯބަރު 2024
އެޕްލިކޭޝަން ހުށަހެޅުމަށް