The Government of the Republic of Maldives through the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture is implementing Maldives –Transforming Fisheries Sector Management in South-West Indian Ocean Region and Maldives Project financed by the World Bank. The project will be managed by the Project Management Unit (PMU) set up within the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture. The project will be implemented in accordance with the Project Implementation Plan (PIP), Project’s Procurement Manual, and the Project’s Financial Management Manual all of which are consistent with the World Bank’s guidelines and procedures on procurement and financial management.
The aim of the Project to strengthen regional, evidence-based fisheries management in the South-West Indian Ocean Region and to improve competitiveness in the fisheries sector in the Maldives. The project comprises of the following components.
The Project Management Unit (PMU) wishes to contract a Social and Gender Specialist. The Social and Gender Specialist will work for PMU, which has been established to support the implementation of the project. The Social and Gender Specialist will work closely with the Project Component Coordinators and s/he will report to the Project Manager on the following responsibilities.
- Provide overall Social and Gender Specialist oversight during the implementation of the project, supporting and advising the client in addressing a variety of social and safeguard issues at all the stages of the implementation of the Project and in social related training/awareness raising and coordination activities.
- Implement social related activities as outlined in the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of the project.
- Prepare necessary documents, such as social guidelines and tools in consultation with stakeholders and help the client in commissioning and managing additional and/ or special studies/ assessment, baseline studies, if necessary.
- Coordination with (i) PMU staff including Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Environmental Specialist, Procurement Specialist and Financial Management Specialist; and (ii) Establish and ensure efficient and satisfactory progress in implementing the Environmental and Social Management Framework against the indicators established in the, project action plans.
- Reporting to the Project Manager and World Bank on the overall social and gender performance of the project as part of PMU’s periodic progress reporting all aspects of the project throughout the duration of the project.
The overall responsibilities of the Social and Gender Specialist include, but are not limited to the following:
- Ensuring that each subproject and activities under the project is subjected to the Project Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) process and procedures.
- Prepare guidelines, tools and notes for use in the project based on relevant environmental policies, acts and regulations/ directives of the Government of Maldives (GoM) and relevant safeguard policies of World Bank Group and the ESMF;
- Carry out social screening if required, of subprojects and activities, and help to prepare subproject or activity specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs).
- Organize gender orientation & awareness, and training for Project staff on safeguards and gender equality.
- Ensure proper and effective implementation of the project Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and conduct all necessary monitoring.
- Develop and Implement Grievance Redress Mechanism for the project.
- Provide overall policy and technical direction for safeguards management under the Project, as defined by the project environmental instruments;
- Co-ordinate closely with the technical officers in the Implementing Agencies (IA) in planning and managing project implementation as per the safeguard’s instruments;
- Provide necessary technical assistance to facilitate the implementation, management and monitoring of social and gender safeguards including conducting baseline studies
- Ensure environmental due diligence is carried out for each sub-project as soon as conceptual technical design and scope have been defined, as outlined in the safeguard’s instruments;
- Closely coordinate with the PMU and IA technical officers for timely preparation of Social /Management Plans for sub-projects, as necessary (depending on screening outcome);
- Coordinate with the IAs for hiring technical assistance, where necessary, and for review and endorsement of these safeguard documents
- Ensure consistency of safeguard documents with national environmental regulations;
- Obtain necessary clearances from local authorities for sub-projects, where applicable;
- Prepare terms of references to undertake Social and Gender assessments for complex and new activities and obtain necessary clearances from the World Bank and/or designated project approving agencies;
- Manage the consultants hired to undertake social and gender assessments, where applicable, and provide coordination support with implementation agencies and individuals;
- Review draft and final social and gender assessments for quality and obtain necessary clearances as per the safeguard’s instruments;
- Ensure that applicable measures in the Social Management Plans (SMPs) are included in the design, and conditions on compliance with SMPs is included in the bidding documents liaising closely with the procurement team of the PMU and IAs;
- Develop, organize and deliver Social related training programs and workshops for the Implementing Agencies at the field level, contractors, field supervision staff and other implementing agency officials as needed, on safeguard requirements and their management;
- Ensure compliance with SMPs during the construction period and maintain close coordination and cooperation with the technical teams of the IAs; to monitor the operations and maintenance during the operation of the project;
- Prepare additional technical guidelines, if necessary, to support the safeguards instruments in order to strengthen the implementation of Social and Gender safeguards;
- Ensure adequate public consultation during the preparation of safeguards instruments as defined by the Environmental and Social Safeguard frameworks and Project Appraisal Document;
- Ensure public complaints relating to sub-project implementation are addressed with corrective action and adequately documented;
- Hold regular review meetings with the technical officers of the IAs and visit selected project sites to monitor implementation of the safeguard’s instruments;
- Prepare routine monitoring reports, in collaboration with the IAs as set forth in the safeguard’s instruments;
- Liaise closely, where technical guidance is required, with the Social Specialists of the World Bank task team.
- Promote community participation in the process of planning, management and monitoring of social impacts of sub-projects; provide guidelines on community participation in social monitoring to the IAs
- Conduct social audits for all project components and obtain clearances;
- Review and comment on audit reports, take necessary actions to address audit issues raised and obtain comments from World Bank.