Education & Training

Ordinary Level (OLevel)
6 months
GDh. Thinadhoo


More Details

This course is aimed at developing the knowledge and understanding of students in the field of Information Technology. Students will be introduced to various subjects like introduction to Computer Hardware and Software, Operating Sytem, Microsoft Office applications and Web Designing and Development. 

The objectives of the course are to enable students to:
● Provides basic computer and communication skills to enhance the quality of
work environment.
● Effectively integrate IT-based solutions into the business environment.
● Utilize Computer applications in the work environment to enhance efficiency and
● Coverage of the academic aspect Information and Communications
● Students with the skills to prepare them for careers in the ICT environment
with emphasis on solutions design, software development and technology
infrastructure support.
● Students with critical, independent and cooperative learning skills so as to
facilitate responses to continuous future changes in industry practices.


The World Bank COVID-19 Income Support Project was initiated to assist individuals whose employment was impacted by the pandemic. 

As per the project requirements, individuals without a job or working less than 20 hours per week (at the time of application) are eligible for this assistance (please refer to the Training Program Usoolu for more information).

100% Government Funded


Monthly MVR 5,000 will be paid as a stipend subject to attendance.

Course Fee
Course Location
Avid College, G.DH.Thinadhoo
GDh. Thinadhoo


Student Requirements
  • General Entry: Attainment of Level 2 certificate OR 18 years and ability to communicate in the language of instruction
  • Alternative Entry: Completion of basic education

Course Structure

  • Fundamental of Computers
  • Using Windows Operating System
  • Fundamentals of Hardware Troubleshooting
  • Document Management using MS Word
  • Data management using MS Excel
  • Presentation Skills with MS PowerPoint
  • Database management system MS ACCESS
  • Final Project

Other Information

Mode of Study
  • Full-Time